covid-19 information
When you arrive
Please arrive at your appointment on-time and alone (you cannot bring anyone with you into the salon)
Please bring & wear your mask at all times in the salon – We can provide one for you if you don’t have one
Our front doors will be open – please walk straight in
Use the hand sanitiser provided at reception
Our waiting areas will be limited, you may be asked to wait outside if you are early
Our cloakroom will be closed – please travel light, you will be asked to keep you belongings with you during your appointment
During Your Appointment
For social distancing purposes, we will be using every other chair or use screen dividers
Every team member will wear a visor & a mask
Technicians will be wearing gloves
No open refreshments will be served – Bottled water or canned drinks are available with paper straws
Towels, gowns, aprons and hand towels will be single use only
We will now accept card or contactless payments only
Retail items will be available for sale, but cannot be touched. Please ask a member of the team to help you with this
If you would still like to reward your hairdresser with a gratuity, please ensure to secure the correct denomination in a sealed envelope
Additional cleaning throughout the day using disicide spray – a hospital grade disinfectant
Bathrooms will be cleared of all accessories & cleaned regularly
All team equipment will be disinfected between every appointment